Urban Explore

Urban Explore postcard

Urban Explore is a tool to create andmanagemobile apps as touristic and cultural digital guides in the context of collective or solo visits. As a complement to a speaker story (heritage expert, historian, city planner, art professional), the mobile app offers an access to the audio-visual history /memory
of a place, in an original and emotional way.

Based on the use of digital resources inmobility, Urban Explore offers a new way of sharing and reading an area or a specific location. Convening in situ testimonies, text documents or audiovisual archives, fromEuropeana and other sources, the app enables to give a singular vision of the territory: it provides access to a set of selected and editorialized digital cultural content according to the theme of the walk.

The user embarks on an exploration: he is guided by the story of a speaker and navigates through the contents over the path, digital tablet in hands. The application is designed as a fully adaptable device according to the place of the visit of the treated themes and the expected objectives in terms ofmediation.

The device allows the aggregation of different set of data within amobile app: Europeana data, open data, user generated contents, cultural institution contents, resources fromvirtual exhibitions…

The pilot is planned to be adapted to specific places (city areas,museums) and aims to link video, audio and pictures (as archivesmaterial) to a place users are going through.

Urban explore is based on a specific CMS integrating mobile app builder software. Thismeans that you
build the content of the tour in the online editor, then publish it to become amobile app.

Link to training material:

Responsible partner:
Dedale, France

Download the Manual of Good practice on UrbanExplore (PDF, 963 kb)